Apparently THAT girl upset a certain someone last night in her phone calling efforts. Thus, all day, due to a quick stern e-mail and no other communication until 8:30pm, I was totally not myself at all today. Of course I LOVE to jump to the worst conclusion, so there was I for most of the day.
So I'm back to being THIS girl. I was able to explain the source of some of my anxiety and was understood. I'm still working through the issues with the distance stuff, but I get more confident in myself every day. I'm going to have to get better at this if I'm going to be in Switzerland for up to 6 months. I still think that will be easier for me, as I will be gone too, but we'll see! I'm defining a lot of who I am for me too, which has been such a growth process for me. And of course the prayers for peace worked too, as I feel much better about everything now.
This weekend is a family party for BW and the company party for CRB. Both should be a really great time, if I can ever figure out what to wear! Perhaps some shopping is in order again tomorrow night...
And I'm seriously considering writing a book on my (mis)adventures as THAT girl....
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