
aka: Shannon's Shananigan's (Since there seems to be less & less knitting and more Shananigan-ing going on as of late and well, let's face it, she's just going to always be a techygeekgirl!!)

Sunday, August 17, 2008


300 Yard Swim - 5:13 (minutes)
18 Mile Bike - 1:44
5K Run - 44 (minutes)

I got there early and was incredibly nervous about the transitions. Everyone I talked to was so great and helpful. And there were so many people who passed me (eek!) that gave encouragement as they passed.

I swam:

That was the easy part. I even passed 2 guys on the way through AND I ended up swimming faster than my seed time! Placed 4th in my agegroup for the swimming.

I biked:

There were a ton of hills and I lost my chain on about mile 9 of the bike.

I ran:

The first mile of the run was killer (more hills!) but got my stride by the 3rd mile.

Burst into tears when I realized my parents were there at the finish line: I FINISHED!!

My goal for the day was 2:30, so completely stoked that I was that close.

I placed 13 out 15 in my agegroup. I placed 74 out of 79 for women. (At least I was not last!)

Thanks to RayRay for coming and showing support. (and for a great breakfast!!)

I need a new bike more condusive for these races.

Now that I finished one, I know what I need to do for the next one.

I believe that officially I am now a "Triathlete"


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Linz said...

CONGRATS Shannon!!! Way to go! I'm proud of you! I don't think I could do anything for 2 and a half hours!

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW.. Shannon that's great! Really really wonderful - congratulations

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Shannon. That's about 4 hours faster than I could.

At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon, Way to GO! I am totally impressed. Have always thought that one of these would be "fun" to do, but never put the effort into doing it.

Keep up the great work!


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