Did Someone Mention Presents?
Just a friendly reminder to post a comment to the blog in order to be in the drawing for something cool out of my stash... I had said by tomorrow, but I'm going to extend it to Monday, as I'm going to be a little busy until then, with birthday festivities for me, T and another friend of his this weekend. (Ever notice that there are lots of birthdays right around now?? Ever notice that 9 months before this is February...Coincidence?!?)
Ok, so the spinning is going better. I actually bought some wool while at the Weaver's Guild sale last weekend during a girls night out with Robin, Anna, Jen and 2 Barbs. (Thanks for having me over, it was a blast!) I got some nice wool for $4 a bag and a bag of Merino/Angora for $10. We ran into Carol too (my spinning instructor) who was asking me how it was going. I had to be honest, I was getting frustrated with it and wasn't sure if it was going to be a go or not. I did go to class on Saturday morning, as a make-up for the MU game weekend. I ended up trying another wheel - an Ashford Traveller, to see if I liked the double treadle and a smaller wheel. I also decided to try spinning the wool I bought Friday night, instead of fighting with the scrap batting that they had given me. It spun like a dream and I got through the entire bag! I even plied it, though it didn't turn out that great, as I had super-energized strands! Of course during the class I got a call from Anna asking me to go back to the sale to pick up 2 more bags of roving that she bought, which was gorgeous. Hmmm, let me see....just finished spinning/plying decent wool and loved it and you want me to GO BACK to the sale where they are selling roving?? Gee, twist my arm! Of course before I left, I paid $25 to rent the Traveller for a month to try it out, with a promise of a discount and downpayment towards it, if I decide to keep it. And as I was leaving, I ran into Cindy, who helped me carry out the wheel. She hasn't tried the spinning yet...but trust me, it's just a matter of time! I found the roving for Anna at the sale and picked up 4 more bags of the $4 for me! I spun another bag of it at T's over the weekend and even plied it. He was pretty impressed with it and kept asking me how it all worked. Luckily Carol explained the workings of the wheel before I started, so I could explain it to him...(Yep, she's a techygeekgirl alright!)
So tomorrow night T is taking me to Paul Manno's in Chesterfield for dinner for my birthday. We have tried to get in there a couple of times, but you need reservations, even during the week. He called me tonight to tell me that he is getting me a pink Razr phone for my birthday too. I've been eyeing them for a while and my contract just came up. I was talking about an I-pod too, but this will probably be more useful. And he gets a discount on part of it for being an ATT employee, so that helps.
For his birthday, I got him satellite radio for his car. It was quite the ordeal to pick out the unit and then find someone who actually sold it. We ended up finding it at American and talked the sales guy down the Best Buy price WITH installation. I can't complain...the unit had been returned (they are discontinued now), so I got the warranty on it - I'm sure it will be fine. (and you thought I was Techy - you should have seen him trying to pick out a receiver!)
Saturday is T's party at Fox & Hound. (come on out if you are in the neighborhood!) It started as a surprise, but I can't keep secrets and actually needed information from him, so I told him. He keeps joking with me that it's actually a party for my birthday, disguised as his...Ok, so maybe there is SOME truth to that, but not much! Sunday is birthdays with the family. Since our birthdays are 3 days apart, we get to split time. My mom called dinner on Sunday first, so we are going to try to work it out to get together with his family for brunch on Sunday. His nephew's birthday is Saturday too, so it's a group thing.
So I'm excited it's my birthday, but I'm as upset as I was last year. I've come so far since then and it's been a good year. I have great friends and family around me, so I am very blessed! (Thanks to all of you out there...you mean a lot to me!)
Happy Birthday - I'll see you tomorrow at Mexican so you can hand over my new stash..must spin it..
Happy birthdays to both of you!
Happy Birthday to all. I'm so glad you stuck it out. Isn't spinning satisfying?
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad the spinning is going well.
My brother lives pretty close to Fox & Hound. I wonder if I could talk my parents into babysitting ALL the grandkids so that we can meet up with you guys...
Belay that. Wrong Fox restaurant. I've never been to either, so you'll have to forgive me for getting them messed up.
The possibility still exists for us joining you though, if my parents are willing to babysit at the last minute. Send me an email -- talesofyarn a t yahoo d o t com.
Hi there! Hope your December is going well. I've tagged you with a meme, but I know this is a crazy time of year. So feel free to answer or not answer, as the mood strikes.
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