Coming Up for Air!
Hi, cute, blonde slacker blogger here. Blah, Blah, Blah...I know I have a ton of excuses and you don't want to hear them, but I promise I have some good stuff...
So I started the new job a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE IT! I love being in St. Louis, I love being in a group of 15 engineers where 8 of us are WOMEN, I love doing REAL engineering work again, I love working and NOT having someone micromanaging me or looking over my shoulder and I love that I have a big cubicle WITH a WINDOW! Yes, there are things I DON'T love, like the drive and being away from home so long, but I figure if all works out I will be able to move closer. And I found out yesterday that I'm getting a company phone and most likely going to take over as the project manager on a job at a local company, so that's cool. I've been a little nervous as I go along with this, but I keep reminding myself that I CAN DO THIS...I've been doing this for years and they truly wouldn't have hired me if they didn't think I could do it!
On the social side....We went to my cousin Lisa's wedding over Labor Day. It was such a blast! Our family weddings are such a great time. We all love to dance and party (woohoo, open bar!) and all get a long well, so it's always a great time! (Ok, T's request for "Kung Fu" fighting was not taken well, but other than that, they loved him and he had a great time!) And the wedding itself was really pretty. Lisa's dress was gorgeous and apparently my uncle Bob had picked it out because it looked like the "whipped cream" girl on the cover of a Herb Alpert record from the 60's!! (Try explaining that to your grandkids!!) The girly's were the cutest flower girls and we got a kick out of Little A waving at everyone down the aisle! Here are a couple of pix from the wedding:
We've been golfing a bunch and going all over the place. A couple of weeks ago we went over Fairmont Park for the horse races. I lost about as much money as T won, which means that I have to bet like he does from now on! We went down to see the MU game against Ole Miss and that was great. I did miss the fact that I didn't go to a bigger school with a great football team, but TU has been holding their own lately too! In fact, we went to the "Watch Party" for the Alumni Group to watch their OT victory over Navy - what a great game!
Last weekend I went to the Toby Keith concert with a friend of mine. It was so much fun. We had VIP parking about 20 spaces FROM THE GATE! And then our VIP bands got us free food in the VIP tent and our hosts bought us drinks all night. Our seats were in the VIP boxes right behind the floor seats and they were AWESOME! EDITED BY REQUEST TO INCLUDE: It was totally awesome. Hell, he even dropped money all over the people in front of us when he first came out. How awesome is that. And how about Willie Nelson on the big screen. Straight from jail, we were sure. And the opening act, Joe Nichols, was awesome too. Although we weren't sure we knew any of his songs when we got there I think we sang every one. The weather was awesome and it was great company - at least I thought so. (The original post was abbreviated, as a certain "queen" may find out and throw a fit - just don't tell her who I got the tickets from, OK!....all the above is true as written - and then some!) I would include pix, but they are not uploading for some reason...I'll try again soon!
Ok, So here's the skinny about the knitting... I do actually knit when I'm not feeling guilty about keeping the house clean, working out, spending time with family/friends, blogging, etc.! THE SIL scarf is done and given! I ended up doing a garter stitch with a cute varigated pink chunky yarn and it turned out really cute.
I also have been working on the baby kimono from Mason-Dixon knitting and I'm up to the first sleeve. It's such an easy knit and may be the "baby sweater" pattern of choice! I may do some booties too, if I can find an easy pattern. Next up is the sweater for Little A for Christmas. I have the yarn picked out and actually need to START it. The pattern looks easy, so I'm not too worried that it LESS THAN 3 MONTHS TO CHRISTMAS...
Better get back to the knitting!
It's about time you blogged. I was getting tired of looking at...I'm out of here. You really didn't give the Toby Keith concert enough air time. I know why, but come on it was totally awesome. Hell, he even dropped money all over the people in front of us when he first came out. How awesome is that. And how about Willie Nelson on the big screen. Straight from jail, we were sure. And the opening act, Joe Nichols, was awesome too. Although we weren't sure we knew any of his songs when we got there I think we sang every one. The weather was awesome and it was great company - at least I thought so.
Are you going to be at the SWE conference in Kansas City this week?
Well, the place where I started college doesn't even have a football team.
Congrats on the new job! It sounds great!
I've got a birthday scarf to finish before I can start stressing on Christmas knitting, thank goodness.
I was at the Toby concert with a friend too. It truly was a fantastic show! We were sitting on the lawn, but we still enjoyed every bit of it. We experienced some "scented special effects" during the Willie bit compliments of some teenagers a few yards away!
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