
aka: Shannon's Shananigan's (Since there seems to be less & less knitting and more Shananigan-ing going on as of late and well, let's face it, she's just going to always be a techygeekgirl!!)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Twice....In the Same Week!

Yes, you may check your calendars to confirm...Go ahead, I'll wait. And you may want to pull up a comfy chair and a nice cool, fruity drink, as this may be a while....

So I am enjoying a quiet evening at home, which of course is both rare and well, not very quiet at all. I am actually procrastinating finishing the laundry and going through mail, so this may be a long one! I was under the impression that things were supposed to get quieter during the Summer - I guess someone lost that memo somewhere!

Anywhoo, Let's recap the last couple of month, shall we?

The wedding in KC was a blast. It was actually a great weekend and we had a fabulous time. Friday night T & I ate great BBQ and then hung out at a sports bar and watched the Cards game. It was actually fun cheering the Redbirds in KC, as the Royals were in the middle of losing their 11th straight game! After that, we went back to the hotel and met up with some of T's friends and the wedding party at the bar. Of course there was lots of drinking and a lot of this all night (and all weekend, for that matter!):

Yep, that's a bunch of 30-somethings acting 19. It was pretty much the theme of the weekend! But I loved Dan's (the groom in green) shirt:

The wedding was fun, though more of the same and a little "Air Guitar" thrown in too. (Come on, you remember the 80's, don't you??):

After the wedding, someone convinced the bar manager in the hotel to stay open an extra hour and then a bunch of us hung out on the back entrance patio until way after 2am to drink more and sing STYX and other great hits of the 70's & 80's. Needless to say it was a long trip home on Sunday....

I did manage to get a couple of decent pictures of me in there too:

The Tulsa trip in May was fun too. I was able to meet with the Alumni office at TU and get a feel for what we are going to be doing next year with the St. Louis Alumni group. It's going to be hard work, but I think it will be fun and exciting. After all the meetings, I found this great yarn store in town - LOOPS that was having a 30% off sale on feltable yarns - hello, did you know I was coming or what?? I found some great yarn (Debbie Bliss SOHO #1) for a scarf for ME and I found the Harlot's latest book, finally! T flew in on Friday night and we "played" in Tulsa for the weekend. We ate a really cool Irish pub down on Cherry Street, which I think used to be where Chimi's was when I was at TU. On Saturday we played golf at a really great course in Sappulpa - Clary Fields. It was a very nice course and even though it was 94 degrees out, we really didn't get hot and there was a breeze. (I think it's that "dry heat" thing...) That night we ate at a great Mexican place (of course) named Senior Tequilla's in Brookside and had FABULOUS Margaritas.

I took T to campus on Sunday before leaving and was so impressed with it. I can't believe how much it's changed!! There used to be an Arby's where this now stands:

And this view has changed drastically:

That's a bonfire pit in the center of the "U" and that's the new fitness center, softball field, track/soccer field, and tennis complex across Delaware. (There were townhouses and and other houses there before. Great parties were had there!)

Other than that, we have been busy going to Rib America downtown. (great bands, scary crowds!) We went to Taste of Clayton (better bands, MUCH better crowd), which was great, though I wasn't feeling good when we go there and I got sick afterwards that night, but NOT from anything I ate there!!

T & I have been playing a bit of golf lately too, though he's been playing more than me and gets to the range more than I do. I did buy pink clubs and the deal was that we had to play more. Luckily T is holding up his end of the bargain. Here are my clubs.

Yes, the bag and covers are VERY PINK, but the clubs themselves are grey graphite, with some pink accent on the club heads. I LOVE playing with them and can see an improvement in my game. T actually will hit them sometimes too at the range to warm up. Hey, at least I don't have to worry about one of the guys walking off with them either!
And these are the golf balls that I have found and absolutely love.

Yes, they come in white, but why play with white golf balls, when they come in such great colors. (and anyone who knows/met/seen/heard of me knows how I feel about color!)

I spent last weekend in Chicago on a whirlwind trip with the family. Matty graduated from DePaul on Sunday, so we went up to party with him on Saturday and watch him walk on Sunday. It was a great time. (T couldn't make the trip, though enjoyed the RUSH tribute band at Pop's Sat night - sorry I missed that!) The party was fun, as my cousin Kerin and her husband came out, as did all of my dad's siblings and some of their kids. It was a traditional "Winters" party and all that it entails! (The customary Shannon & Kerin picture!)

Graduation wasn't until 3:30, so after brunch we hung out at IKEA. It was neat, but I don't get all the hype. It's definitely a list store though!

Matty's the last one to graduate college, so it's the end of an era! Graduation wasn't over until after 6:30 and I ended up riding back with Mom & Dad, so we took Matt to dinner, then home afterwards.

When all was said and done, we ended up leaving downtown at 9:30PM on Sunday night! About an hour into the trip, Mom started calling everyone to make sure they were doing Ok. Tim & Diane ended up going back to IKEA and leaving about the same time we did from downtown. Dave & Stacy had to pick up a car at her uncle's and were getting tired driving through eastern IL (I would too...) Alison & Jim missed the exit to 55 in Bloomington and were heading to Champaign, so we had to get them coming back. We ended up meeting Dave & Stacy in Springfield and drove the rest of the way back with Stacy in the new Denali that was TOTALLY decked out. I think I bored her to tears talking about who knows what, but I made a conscious effort NOT to look at the clock!! What was funny was that all of us arrived back at home around the same time, as Mom's phone rang 3 times within 10 minutes of us getting back to their house at 2:30AM!! I didn't get home until 8am on Monday, as Dad brought me the rest of the way. Needless to say, a 3 hour nap was on the agenda for Monday and it was back to bed for me.

So amid all this drama and excitement, I have actually gotten some knitting done! The Sophie bag out of Cascade 220 Quatro in 9439 is about done and it's earmarked for the girl who lives behind me as an 8th grade graduation gift. It's unique and I think she will like it. I just have to finish the I-Cord handles and felt...

I worked on my sock on the way back from Tulsa, but 44 was tough to knit on. I have the ribbing at the top done and now on to the body. Actually I've been having some pain in my last 2 fingers of my right hand too when I use the skinny needles and sometimes when I golf, so I need to see what's up with that too...

I picked out a pattern for a scarf and did some "Stash Diving" for Rhubarb colored yarn for my SIL's 30th birthday next week. I told her I was going to make something, so it's not much of a surprise. The surprise will be if I can make it before "scarf" season or not!

Ok, so I think that wraps it up for me for now. I hope that answered all the questions for you over my life the last month or so! Coming up is more golf, of course, a wedding this weekend, Father's Day festivities, pups to the groomer, the 20th Anniversary party for my parent's company, T goes to CO for a week and I am hoping to get a sock knit in there sometime. I'll try to keep you posted....


At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gosh - no wonder I haven't heard or seen you of late - what a busy girl.

I go to Tulsa quite often for work and have heard that the Pub is quite good...I really need to check that out next time!

Maybe you can make next months' fiber weekend - hope so!


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